Good manners make self-confident kids

Most of the things small children do "wrong" the first time, are not done out of bad intensions. They simply don't know yet how to do better. They still have to learn the rules from you. Many children lounge at the table, hold the cutlery like tools and smack. If children's monologues don't allow to have a table talk, it is disturbing for the whole family.
No doubt, in many years the kids will apply for totally different jobs than today. Digitalisation and Artificial Intelligence will have changed the requirements in total. Knowhow and competences will no longer be a core recruitment criteria, but others like cultural teamfit, creativity and excellent manners. These will be the basis for an innovative communication and working culture.
Solution: Good behavior isn't stuffy!
"Please", "Thank you", "You're welcome" must be part of the core vocabulary of every elementary school kid so that your child stand out positively.
Parents are the best coaches for their children! Our tools and video coaching will show you how!
With simple and playful approaches your children learn good behavior from you - at the table and in conversation. Our training in the video coaching area show you step by step how to teach them.
Your journey
- Select the right product easyfaM® Video Coaching
- Take our checklist and find out where are the improvement areas
- Use the hints and coaching to help your kids