How I help my child to become more independent

2. Die "Gewalt" des Alltags putzt die Kinder runter... Kindergesundheit nur, um den Job zu retten? Nein! Wie Du weckst, was in Deinen Kindern schlummert.

3. Fehlverhalten kommt daher, dass Dein Kind spürt, es kann die Anforderungen der Eltern so nicht erfüllen. Wer will schon geklonte Kinder. So entdeckst Du die Neigungen und Talente der Kinder.

4. Beide Eltern regieren heute hinein. Ohne Einigung keine Struktur und keine gute Kindesentwicklung. Zum Vorsprung von Mehrkind-Familien. So minimierst Du das Risiko von Fehlentwicklungen.
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How I help my child to become more independent
In an interview with paediatrician Ekkehart Hamma, we find out what parents can do to help their children become independent faster, develop very well and give parents more freedom.
✓ NOSURITY: The root of independence
✓ FULL SERVICE: What parents usually do wrong today
✓ NO: Why we should learn to love this word
✓ TALKING IN SLEEP: That's why children do it
Discover new insights in an interview with the expert, pediatrician Ekkehart Hamma from Isny
ATTENTION: Here follow many more interview clips with the sensational pediatrician Ekkehart Hamma, when the processing of the 2.5 hours of material is finished piece by piece.